100% of federal courts are covered, and we add additional state courts and agencies on an as-needed basis.
Below is a list of all ECFX providers currently covered.
Provider | Website |
Alaska Court System |
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
AZTurboCourt |
Berks County, Pennsylvania |
Bucks County, Pennsylvania |
CaseFileXpress |
Chester County, Pennsylvania |
Colorado Judicial Branch |
Cook County, IL |
County of Lehigh, Pennsylvania (Tyler) |
CourtDrive |
Court of Appeals - State of Arizona |
Delaware County, Pennsylvania |
Denver County Court |
eFile Made Easy |
eFileCA (Tyler) |
eFileDC (Tyler) |
eFileGA (Tyler) |
eFileIL (Tyler) |
eFileIN (Tyler) |
eFileMA (Tyler) |
eFileME (Tyler) |
eFileNV (Tyler) |
eFileTN (Tyler) |
eFileTX (Tyler) |
eFileVT (Tyler) |
eFileWA (Tyler) |
eNotify |
Erie County, Ohio |
eTrack |
File and Serve XPress ***Processing via WebServices Add-on; otherwise will be processed as Docket Text Only |
First Legal |
Florida Courts |
Florida District Courts of Appeal |
Franklin County, Ohio |
Geauga County, Ohio |
Georgia Court of Appeals |
Georgia Supreme Court |
Greenfiling |
Hawaii State Judiciary |
iCourt File & Serve (Tyler) |
Iowa Courts |
King County Superior Court |
Kentucky Court of Justice |
Maryland Odyssey File and Serve (Tyler) |
Massachusetts Court System |
Minnesota Appellate Division (E-MACS) |
Minnesota Judicial Branch (Tyler) |
Minnesota Supreme Court |
Minnesota Tax Court |
Mississippi Courts |
Missouri Courts |
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania |
MyDocFileandServe (Pohlman) |
Nebraska Courts |
New Hampshire Judicial Branch |
New Hampshire Odyssey File & Serve (Tyler) |
New Jersey Courts - Appellate |
New Jersey Courts - Supreme |
New Jersey Judiciary Court System |
New Jersey Supreme Court |
New York Courts (NYSCEF) |
North Carolina Appellate Courts |
North Carolina Business Courts |
North Carolina Judicial Branch eCourts (Tyler) |
North Dakota Courts (Tyler) |
One Legal |
Oregon Judicial File & Serve (Tyler) |
PacerPro |
PeachCourt |
Philadelphia County Court System, Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island Judiciary (Tyler) |
South Carolina (eFlex/Tybera) |
South Dakota (Tyler) |
State of New Mexico (Tyler) |
Superior Court of Arizona - Maricopa County |
Superior Court of Arizona - Pima County |
Supreme Court of Arizona |
Supreme Court of Florida | District Court of Appeals of Florida (C-Track) |
Supreme Court of Nevada (eFlex) |
Supreme Court of North Carolina |
Tennessee Nashville/Davidson (eFlex) |
Tennessee Shelby (eFlex) |
Trueling - CA Appellate |
Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania |
Volusia County, Florida |
Washington Courts - Supreme |
Washington Supreme Court |
Washoe County, Nevada (eFlex) |
West Virginia Judiciary-Circuit/Family |
Wisconsin Courts |
1st District Court of Appeals |
3rd Dist Court of Appeals | |
11th Judicial District - Miami Dade County |
12th Judicial District, Florida |
13th Judicial District (JAWS), Florida - Hillsborough |
15th Judicial District - Palm Beach Clerk |
17th Judicial District - Broward County |