Unlocking Efficiency for In-House Litigation Teams
Insurance companies managing electronic court filing (ECF) notices internally are choosing to automate this time-consuming, cumbersome, and error prone task. The solution? ECFX Notice.
ECFX Notice downloads the documents in electronic court filing (ECF) notices, profiles the documents according to firm naming conventions, stores the documents in the appropriate matter or client workspace in any DMS or file system, and distributes the documents directly to the case team.
The benefits of automated ECF notice processing for insurance companies are quantitatively and qualitatively significant in terms of (i) reduced cost (with fast ROI); (ii) risk mitigation; (iii) enforcement of company policies; (iv) better data quality; (v) better visibility into resource needs and allocation; and (vi) improved employee morale.
Reducing Costs
Insurance companies have long prioritized cutting operational costs due to increasing pricing pressures. Outsourcing and automating repetitive tasks have been widely adopted to achieve significant savings.
Manually processing ECF notices takes 5-20+ minutes per notice. This equates to substantial labor costs for insurance companies dealing with high volumes of ECF notices. ECFX Notice eliminates manual processes by automatically naming, saving, and distributing state and federal ECF pleadings and other court documents.
Increasing Control
ECFX Notice offers company-defined control over document naming conventions, storage policies and locations, ECF notice distribution, and full visibility around ECF activity with a customizable metrics dashboard.
By centralizing all ECF notices, ECFX Notice prevents oversights common in manual processes traditionally used to route notices and pleadings. ECFX Notice also eliminates the need to add secondary email addresses as parties to a case.
Mitigating Risk
ECFX Notice prevents delays, errors, and inconsistent handling of notices, allowing timely responses and avoiding late-night rushes to address overlooked notices. Ultimately, it streamlines workflows and enhances efficiency for legal teams by providing consistent, timely, and easily accessible ECF notifications.
View the list of all ECFX state courts currently covered
View ECFX's federal coverage map
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ECFX Notice automates the processing of electronic court filing (ECF) notices—saving your firm hundreds of hours a week to focus on the work your clients value
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Now your ECF notice process is automated, so your case teams can spend time on the work that your clients value most.
Trusted by leading law firms
ECFX Notice saves hundreds of hours a week for law firms of all sizes and litigation specialities.